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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct. 5th, 2013 saneebaar
Sea Salt

It's officially been one month since Staging in SF when the journey began.  It feels like just yesterday and a million years ago at the same time. I would say time flies, but at the same time it feels like it's in slow motion. 

There's something bouncing around on the floor of my room. But I've already turned the lights off and am in bed so I don't really want to get up and see what it is..... Anywho I digress.

Goodness this creature is loud...

Anyways moving on.

So mold has become my new home. My old cell phone molded, my door, my photo frame again, my shirt, and my makeup bag. Ladies at home, next time you think you're makeup bag is dirty, maybe think of me and say, "well at least it's not moldy".  :)  Seriously though, that bag was covered in mold. It was also due to the fact I threw it in the corner of my room and haven't looked at it since because wearing makeup isn't really a big part of my daily life anymore (it's really not a part of my life at all; I don't know why I brought it).
However, I have heard that throwing vinegar on everything will help prevent the mold, as well as keeping charcoal in my room. Potential solutions! :)

For my crazy raging Friday night last night I stayed in my room and began a little art project. I was listening to my music and writing down some of my favorite lyrics as well as adding some doodles to some scratch paper and then taping it up to one of my walls. It was pretty uplifting and made my music listening experience that much more fabulous.

Today I learned about poo covered mosquitoes and spiders. Hahahaha just saying that makes me laugh. But they are a real thing out here, or so I've been told. During monsoon season, mosquitoes will hang out in the still water/feces inside the charpi (squat toilet hole) and so when you go and begin your business, you may find a nice surprise flying out. Giant spiders like to hang out in there too I guess. Hahahahahhaha oh man that's so bad it's funny.

It's been raining a ton out here the past week which has been causing all sorts of weirdo problems, but to be honest, things have been on an upswing.  The big announcement of our permanent site placement will be on October 10th, this coming Thursday. I'm very excited/nervous to finally know where I'll be placed for the next two years. I'll be sure to let you all know, even though you'll probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Funny thing is that the next time I get Internet will be on the same day so you'll all know as soon as I do lol.

WTF this thing in my room sounds like its eating. Ugh I don't want to look.

Last note, I would have to say that one of the hardest, if not the hardest, adjustments I've had to make by moving to Nepal is not looking back.  Like the song goes, "I left my heart in San Francisco". And for many nights I struggled, and still struggle, with not looking back. With not thinking about what life would be like if I stayed in California. Because so much of who I am, and how I've been raised, lies within those borders. I have so much love for the cities I grew excessively fond of, the beautiful coast I lived on, and the friends, family, and loved ones I've left behind. 
But I realized, I've been stunting my own growth by constantly thinking of what could've been rather than what is. I'm here in Nepal now, and in front of me lies this unique, amazing, life changing opportunity to grow, integrate, learn, and understand a whole different side of the world.  I've loved every chapter of my life thus far, all the good and hard times, and I want to now allow this new chapter of my life to break me and mold me into whoever it is I am to become.
Here we go.

No looking back.

Love you and miss you all. 

Tapaaiko topi ekdam rangichangi chha!

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