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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct. 6th, 2013 aaitabaar
What a day

All in all, today was pretty awesome. My day started off with buffalo blood for breakfast. It's a standard dish here in Nepal, and it's congealed to be a substance like tofu, curried and cooked. When I saw it on my plate I almost backed out on eating it since I knew what it was. But today I felt the, "embrace Nepal" motivation in me and I ate it all. It wasn't bad, rather, it was pretty good (besides the fact it was blood). But if I didn't eat it, I would've missed out on some good new nutrients, especially since I've been eating crackers for lunch. Now when I get back home I might be able to tackle that pork blood (#hienkhanh #ninavu #kimquach #SJviethomies)!

In technical training, we learned how to create nursery beds (for seeds, not babies). That was pretty enjoyable, but I dove into mashing my hands all up in the compost, aka gobr aka cow poop, before I tied my hair up which was a big mistake. It was alright though, and we successfully planted a bed of tomato seeds, and poly bags with kaakruu (cucumber), karela (bitter gourd), and sponge gourd (I forgot the nepali name) seeds. 

We ended the work day with a final language class and after a thirty minute break, the Chhaap trainees all met up to get tea at the local tea shop along with two Peace Corps volunteers who lived in Chhaap last year. The whole village seemed to be out which was a blast as we  watched all the villagers excited to see the two volunteers again after a year's time. We chatted for a bit at the tea shop, then were invited to a neighbor's home where they were holding a party for their grandmother who passed away 12 days earlier (it's a cultural thing). We were all told to sit on the ground on the roof of their home and were fed by all the ladies of the house/neighbors. It was my first Nepali house party, which was surreal and awesome at the same time. I was also the butt of a joke by one of the uncles because I eat so slow. I guess some things never change. :)

I walked home afterwards with my didi (older sister) and was fed a second meal of buffalo meat and rice. 

All in all, today was a good day.

Shuva raati,

PS- my hair is getting long again!

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