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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Care package list

Update! So I heard some people talking about sending goodies (oh boy oh oh oh boy oh boy)! However, I know the base rate to send a package to Nepal is pretty pricey, so here is what I'm thinking. I've ordered some items I need off amazon and am having it sent to my home in San Jose where my mama will be sending it from there. I have a list of things that I would totally loveeee, but I also don't want too much stuff (because I'll have to lug it around) so if anyone was interested in sending some goodies, here's a list of things I've been craving! I've already forewarned my mom, so anyone can bring it or send it to my moms house and she' ll wrap it all up in one package from there! Sounds good?

Here's the list:

Trail mix (one large container preferred but really doesn't matter)
Pop tarts
Dried fruit
Protein bars!
Granola bars
Beef jerky
Dark chocolate
Calcium tablets
Face lotion Olay
Toothpaste (with fluoride, which most US companies do)
Thin rain poncho!! ( will prob ask my mama to buy one)

Let me know if you'd like to be in on this list and ill let my mommy know! We will try to have it sent by mid-late October.

Love you all and miss you all so derri much.

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