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Saturday, November 23, 2013

11/22/13 Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday

Time continues to trudge along but fly by at the same time. How?

The other night while I sat down to eat dinner with my family, across from me was my sister's plate. We both watched a worm/centipede type bug crawl out of her saag (spinach like stuff) across her plate. She picks it off and continues eating. Then I keep eating my saag too. Hoping for the best! 

Yesterday I sat down at a pasal where the girls working there feed me a junaar (basically an orange). After she cut it up, I ate a few pieces then noticed a similar worm/centipede thing crawling out of one of the pieces. I put that piece off to the side, but I think I forgot and ate it later. Again... Hoping for the best!

Today is my Language Proficiency Interview. Lets get this baby over with. I'm tired of talking about my pariwaar and my mukya.. something something I already forget fml. Haami garna sakchha holaa! 

Additionally, Best wishes for their speedy recovery and sending my condolences to the Philippines, my pseudo motherland. 

Happy 26th birthday Jewels! You don't have Internet so you won't see this but hopefully we can celebrate somehow even though we're probably not allowed in Chautara still. 

-da sack

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...for that first story alone, I admire you. Praying that sickness doesn't touch you and that you're doing well!!
