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Saturday, November 23, 2013

11/19/13 mangalbaar
I will find my way; I can go the distance!
Said Hercules.

On the daily I complain about this prego dog, Popi, that I live with. But wastabma (actually), I like Popi. Popi doesn't like a lot of people, for some reason especially dudes, but Popi likes me. Today I was walking on the baato (road) and Popi was outside and followed me around. I walked down to the cheeya pasal (tea shop) down the road from my house and Popi followed. In front of the biscoot shop Popi got into a little brawl with a black street dog. Keep in mind Popi is much smaller than these street dogs and is currently carrying around 3-4 pups in her belly. She starts shrieking and the locals break up the fight. Popi comes to me where I'm sitting and dips her head under my legs. It was pretty adorable. I'm glad Popi doesn't act bipolar around me when I pet her. In reality, she probably likes me because I give her food every night since I never finish my mound of rice for dinner, but still, that loyalty and fondness feels nice.

Enough about stupid Popi...

If you asked me how I felt about the Nepalis in my current village, I would've given a very different answer than today. The past couple of days I've had to deal with a lot of encounters where I left feeling stupid, misunderstood, angry, or annoyed.  Today, however, I think I've made my first real Nepali friend. Like, for real! Wastabma (keep up homie) I don't know her name but I plan on going back to her house tomorrow to visit again. She's relatively my age, probably a bit younger since she's currently in college studying education (yup, I found all that out speaking Nepali suckaa!), and she's chill as ever. I hung out with her mom and grandma (both who are wild and made me dance with them in their kitchen) and her younger sister, who is also cool but just a little too hyphy and talks a lil too fast for me. But anyways... Yeah girl crush I suppose? Haha na just friendship, genuinely. 

If I find someone like her in my permanent village, I can definitely make it out here.

Lastly, Were down to 24 trainees. 

With love for my home, 

1 comment:

  1. I don't like the way you said "We're DOWN to 24 trainees." You worry me...Also, I'm going through and reading every single one of your posts because I've been a terrible friend and having been keeping up with your blog. Thus, you'll be receiving a plethora of comments from me. Feel free not to respond.

    Popi sounds like a straight up BOSS. Who else would street brawl, PREGNANT? Kudos to Popi. I'd keep her around.
