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Friday, November 15, 2013

11/12/13 mangalbaar
Ain't nobody in the world but you and I.

I think I'm finally beginning to understand the meaning of humility.

Remember my dog who got raped by a street dog a couple of weeks ago? Well, she's preggers.

My sanbaa today told me I didn't know Nepali. Quite the discouragement after feeling like I've been slaving away trying to understand their language. 


  1. Don't let him discourage you, maybe he has a very dry sense of humor and is sarcastic haha. Love you & miss you, call me when you get a chance I feel bad that the last three times you called me I was doing something :(

  2. I concur! Don't let him discourage you, it is definitely not an easy task to master a language. Keep at it! :)

    and yeay puppies!!
