
The contents of this web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Permanent Address, Behold!

Christine Bora Lee
c/o Kadega Bhandari
Manpur, Ward No. 1
Manpur VDC, Dang

Current Care-package desirables:
dried seaweed sheets (to make sushi!!!)
green tea (bagged or unbagged is bueno)
letters and photos <3
valentine's day cards (to pass out to the children here)
other upcoming holiday stuff (cross-cultural exchange type love)
NEW MUSIC (on a flashdrive perhaps? I don't have a CD socket in my netbook but I could make it work)
a 3-musketeer bar
anything else you think I would lava

Homes in Nepal don't have specific addresses, and so I haven't tested this address out; it's simply what was told to me.  As a precaution, maybe send a postcard first to see if it works and I'll let you know when I receive it? Or if it's a package you send that doesn't cost or burden you too much, let'em rip! The above address should work.

I love you all and I miss being... Californian!

1 comment:

  1. Woooo new address!! :D Got your letter! :D I love how many stamps were on there.
