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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cambodia pictures- a brief and overdue update

Hi everyone,

I'm here in Tulsipur bazaar, having finished a piece of roti and milk tea for breakfast.  I'm waiting for my counterpart (aka Nepali friend) to call me then we will be on our way to work on the production of more improved cook stoves for village families.  Improved cook stoves replace open mud stoves --which produces an unhealthy amount of smoke-- with mud stoves that have chimneys attached.  With the attachment of a chimney, smoke should find its way up and outside the home rather than filling the lungs of the cooks.

I don't have much to say right now.
Just sorta bored so I felt I should update those who read this blog.

Shout out to Miss Dung Lana Phi for the care package that arrived yesterday for me! I didn't realize how much I love Goldfish crackers until yesterday. Thank you so much for the munchies; I'll eat them well, I promise! And hopefully I will ration it so it's not gone by the end of this week.

These are well overdue, but here are some photos of my trip to Cambodia back in July 2014.

Stay classy my loves.


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