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Monday, May 5, 2014

5/5/14 Happy Cinco de Mayo

“This one goes out to all my haters. Thanks for making me feel like the greatest- btch I'm about to blow up.”
Blow up- J.Cole

One thing I can never cease to be thankful for is the incredible view of the stars and the moon in the sky at night. It's a view unparalleled when growing up in light-polluted cities your whole life. Interestingly now I'm nostalgic for the rooftop of the first home I settled in after my move to Nepal- the beautiful village known as Chhaap.

I'm continuing my life along the tracks of the Peace Corps rollercoaster. I'm not one to butter stories up, so I must admit that some days/nights living here have been absolutely terrible- sometimes miserable physically (diarrhea, dehydration, mosquitoes, the heat, the cold, the physical labor), sometimes mentally (language, trainings, understanding policy, learning new skills), sometimes emotionally (loneliness, boredom, frustration, fear), but usually caused by the exhaustion of all of the above. Yet as with most lives lived on Earth, there is a balance, and I can't fail to recognize that there has been many days/nights here in Nepal that have presented to me opportunities for which I am terribly undeserving and very grateful. Life here as a foreigner, as a woman, as a volunteer, as a 23 year old, as an Asian-American, has presented challenges I never could have prepared for in the States, but I dare to never forget that this experience is an adventure I pursue willingly and joyfully, regardless of what happens.

In this life we must face the unique challenges set before us and find the means to make our way through life in the manner we each uniquely believe in.

I miss home, the Bay Area and the San Diego area, constantly, and most likely will be yearning for my hometown until the end of this tour, but I am looking up at the present and doing my best to embrace every minute of it while seeing the future on the horizon.

I'm doing my best. I'm learning everyday, breaking down to be put back together, and discovering new potential within myself and within others.

These mosquitoes bites are seriously fire though and I can't stop itching. FML.

